
My therapy practice is trauma informed and dedicated to helping you rediscover and re-align with your true self, creating harmony between your mind, body, and intuition.

I offer a holistic approach which integrates up to date neurobiology, psychology and somatic work to support your journey toward healing. By reconnecting our inner intelligence, we work together to resolve internal conflicts and release the legacy of trauma.

Through my process, you'll uncover deeper insights, develop greater resilience, and cultivate a renewed sense of balance and peace within yourself.

My goal is to empower you to not only heal, but to thrive, in full confidence of your ability to support yourself.


Therapy Vs Coaching

Therapy would be most suitable for you if:

  • You are struggling with mental health issues that require deeper understanding and healing.
  • You are dealing with unresolved trauma, emotional pain or past experiences that are affecting your current life.
  • You hold deep inner conflicts which are preventing you from moving forward.
  • You feel stuck in negative cycles or behaviours that you can’t break on your own.
  • You need support in managing overwhelming stress, grief, or loss.
  • You are navigating significant life transitions, crises, or complex challenges.
  • You have a history of abuse or neglect and want to work through its impact on your life.
  • You are grappling with addiction, substance abuse, or compulsive behaviours.
  • You are facing challenges with existential or spiritual crises.

If you are not aligned with Therapy right now, please look at my Coaching Page.

Life is difficult. Once we truly know that life is difficult—then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Therapy helps us accept this truth and find peace within it.

M. Scott Peck

My approach

With over 10 years of experience in psychotherapy and facilitation, I am dedicated to staying current with the most effective tools and techniques to support both my clients and my own growth.  I never use or recommend anything that has not been tried and tested by myself.
My approach integrates Gestalt Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, Psychosynthesis, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Neuroscience, and Mindfulness Practices.
I create a confidential and safe space that encourages curiosity, connection, and exploration. I consider the therapeutic space a 'sacred container,' where I am fully present and respectful, recognising the courage it takes to seek support in difficult times.

A core belief in my approach is that you already hold the wisdom and roadmap to heal yourself. My goal is to help you harmonise your mind, body and intuition, clearing the obstacles that obscure your inner compass.

I prioritise getting things right over being right. I focus on understanding your unique inner world, welcoming correction when I miss the mark. True healing occurs when we connect with humility and curiosity, allowing us both to learn and grow together.
Central to any healing therapeutic relationship is a foundation of trust.  I create trust through a gentle balance of support and challenge, ensuring that we are moving at a pace which helps you grow and learn without overwhelming the nervous system.
In sessions, we focus on bringing attention to the present moment, observing what occupies the space between mind, body, and intuition. I trust the intelligence of the body guides us to exactly what needs attention in the moment.
As we grow our awareness of what is causing disharmony, we begin to engage in creative experimentation to understand, heal, and integrate internal conflicts, opening doors to new possibilities and perspectives.


If you’re ready to commit to deep, transformative work, I’m here to support you. My ultimate goal is to empower you to become your own healer, equipped with the self-trust and tools to maintain balance and harmony long after our work together.

Therapy Focus

We will work through one or numerous areas together. Here are what areas I can confidently support you in:

  • Trauma & Complex Trauma

    Feeling that traumatic events of the past are holding you back from living fully? I can help you to understand and release the grips of traumatic events through combining the latest neuroscience and therapeutic techniques proven to aid with recovery. If you've felt that therapy has previously has not helped, or made things worse, it's likely that your therapist has applied out of date modalities.

  • Stress & Anxiety

    Overwhelmed by stress or trapped in cycles of anxiety? Often we are not taught the tools that help keep us in emotional regulation from our family or wider society. What is relaxing for one person may be stressful for you. I can help you identify what specific tools and techniques will help you to restore calm, balance and harmony in your nervous system.

  • Depression

    Feeling weighed down by persistent sadness or a sense of hopelessness? Depression is complex and needs patience to understand the root causes. I can help you to begin lifting the fog of depression by identifying what is burdening your self and needs to be released. As someone who has recovered from periods of depression, I approach this from an informed and sensitive perspective of what truly works.

  • Deep Internal Conflict

    Struggling with repetitive negative thoughts, conflicting emotions and patterns that keep you stuck? Traumatic events in our lives create deep polarisation and attached to unhealthy patterns and identities. I can help you identify, understand and integrate your internal conflicts for more clarity and connection with your intuition.

  • Addiciton & Compulsivity

    Feeling trapped by cycles of addiction or compulsive behaviours? If you're stuck between moments of progress and relapse, I can help you to identify and begin to heal the parts of you frozen in extreme positions. With greater awareness of what is driving these behaviours, we begin to create better self regulation and self control.

  • Anger & Shame

    Burdened by intense anger or feelings of shame that seem impossible to shake? Through a compassionate approach to understanding how and what triggers you, we start to build your window of tolerance with strong emotions. With greater awareness and tolerance we gradually release and regulate these emotions and relate to them in a healthy way.

  • Relational Problems

    Struggling with conflicts, disconnection, or recurring issues in your relationships? The health of our family environment growing up often dictates how we relate to the wider world. I can help you understand what attachment patterns are leading to disharmony in your relationships and gradually restore a healthy, secure connection to your immediate and wider circles.

  • Abuse & Neglect

    Carrying the wounds of past abuse or neglect which is impacting your daily life? Both abuse and neglect lead to a deep sense of fragmentation and disconnection from self. Through a gentle and safe space I can help you re-build trust, self worth and resilience and begin the process to integrate what parts of you have been fragmented.

  • Self Sabotage / Destructive Behaviours

    Caught in patterns of self-sabotage or destructive behaviors that hold you back from progress? I can help you to identify what parts of you are preventing you from moving forward. Often these are protective parts of you stuck in extreme roles that believe they are keeping you safe. Let's work together to understand and transform these parts into more supportive and healthy roles.

  • Psychedelic Integration

    Seeking guidance after a psychedelic experience? Psychedelics can be powerful tools for self-awareness and growth, but they can also unearth trauma that needs careful processing. I can help you integrate these profound experiences, ensuring that your daily life is enriched and positively impacted by the insights gained.

The Therapy Journey

If you are interested in working with me, the first step is to book in a free 45 minute Clarity Call.
This will help me to explore in more depth what areas you need support in and to see if we are the right fit for working with each other.  It is also an opportunity to discuss what session arrangements would be most suitable for your needs and answer any questions.
Before the call, I encourage completing My Questionnaire so we have more clarity on what support you need.

If we're both happy to begin working together, we decide a payment plan and begin sessions via Zoom. 
I offer flexible booking between sessions in the event we need to reschedule, since life can be unpredictable at times. 
A session lasts an hour where I listen intently and work with questions, observations, activities and experiments.  At times we may begin sessions with 'grounding in' which includes breathing and mindfulness exercises. 
Sessions are typically followed up with assignments based on the session to help integration and self exploration. 
Between sessions, I will be available to support you through e-mail and WhatsApp for general enquiries.
With new clients, I recommend we commit to six sessions, with four weekly sessions.  This both helps to build momentum and trust in our relationship to work deeper and identify root causes and patterns. 

The greatest source of healing is our ability to connect with another human being

Bessel van der Kolk

Your Investment

Check out my packages below to see what suits your needs.

If finances are tight, please let me know during our call and we can discuss options.

I aim to create win-win situations to find the intersection between value and affordability.

6x sessions

This package is ideal if you're beginning a therapy journey with me for the first time and are able to make an upfront investment. 

This includes:

  • 6x 60 min 1-on-1 therapy
  • Flexible online booking
  • WhatsApp & e-mail support
  • Follow up assignments

Interested in working with me? 

The next step would be to book a free Clarity Call.

  This is an opportunity for us to see if we're the right fit for starting a healing journey together.