Creativity Coaching

Creativity Coaching
is a holistic approach that focuses on the reconnection between mind, body and intuition. 

By tapping into our full collective wisdom, we begin to release conflicting patterns of behaviour and create new possibilities and perspectives.

Like planting a seed, we cannot force it to grow faster with more light, water or nutrients.  Instead we create the right balance of elements for it to thrive to its full potential.

By deeply understanding how we show up in the world, we begin to realign with our natural rhythms of growth and transformation that resonate with our true self.  From this space, our transformation becomes deeply integrated and not just a temporary fix.


Coaching Vs Therapy

Coaching will be suitable for you if:

  • You are generally functioning well but want to achieve higher levels of success, fulfillment, or balance in your life.
  • You are looking to enhance your performance, productivity, or achieve specific personal or professional goals.
  • You are seeking to unlock your creative potential and explore new avenues for self-expression and innovation.
  • You want to focus on personal development, improving skills, or building new habits.
  • You need support in overcoming obstacles or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from success.
  • You are looking to develop resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset in the face of challenges.
  • You want to explore holistic approaches to integrate mind, body, and intuition into personal or professional development.
  • You are focused on the future and are looking for strategies and accountability to help you reach your goals.
  • You are interested in optimizing your time, energy, and resources to achieve greater success and satisfaction.

If you are not aligned with Coaching right now, please look at my Therapy Page.

Creativity is a natural process of holding on
to the innocence of childhood.

Fritz perls

My approach

Through working 10+ years in the field of psychotherapy, coaching and group facilitation, I have weaved together the best tools which have greatly helped me and my clients to both grow and thrive.
My foundational tools are Integrative Coaching.  I also incorporate Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Gestalt, Psychosynthesis, Family Constellations, Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Mindfulness practices in my approach.
Some key philosophies in my coaching approach are:
  • Connection occurs when we suspend judgement and labels.
  • Understanding perspective is more important than imposing views.
  • Creativity happens when we co-create and enter the unknown together.
  • You know yourself and what's best, my role is to help you see that clearly. 
I build confidential and safe spaces to allow for deeper connection, accountability and creative experimentation.  My focus is on blending creative practices with insightful observations in the present moment, enabling new awareness and possibilities to emerge, guiding you closer to where you want to be.

At the core of our journey together is a strong and meaningful alliance. Trust serves as the foundation, allowing us to deeply explore your inner world and co-create a vision that genuinely excites and inspires you.

Like an artist painting on a canvas, we explore the intricacies of your life one by one, revealing how each aspect intersects and impacts the other areas of your life.  With greater clarity of the full picture, we begin following each thread and weaving a more holistic, harmonious picture of your life. 

coaching focus

We will work through one or numerous areas together. Here are a few areas I can confidently support you in:

  • Identity & Purpose

    Feeling lost in your career or life? Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery to explore what truly matters to you. Together, we'll weave the intersection between your unique talents, passions, and the world's needs, rekindling the spark that brings you back to life.

  • Business Building

    Seeking to build your independence doing what you enjoy? Let's work together step by step to unearth your strengths and interests, creating a business plan that aligns with your true vision. I leverage various tools including Ikigai, the Business Model Canvas, Customer Empathy Mapping and Values Discovery.

  • Burnout

    Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the world? Has life lost its vibrancy? I can help you to identify the boundary patterns that are leading to a constant state of burnout. We will implement a plan to recover, maintain balance and thrive.

  • Self Sabotage

    As you begin to experience success, you might find yourself unconsciously sabotaging your efforts. This is often tied to our perception of self-worth and outdated patterns that no longer serve us. Let's work together to deconstruct these barriers, empowering you to embrace what you genuinely deserve.

  • Imposter Syndrome

    Feeling like a fraud? Self doubt can creep in with every pursuit of growth and creative direction. Together, we’ll address your inner critic and cultivate a positive relationship with it, transforming it into a source of support for your potential.

  • Inner Conflicts

    We are not one personality, but a collection of different personalities with varying ideas and needs. If you're struggling with stuckness through inner conflicts, I can help you identify the conflicting parts within you and guide you towards resolution and inner harmony.

  • Relational Conflicts

    Do you find yourself stuck in the same patterns of behaviour with certain people? Whether in your personal or professional relationships, I can help you gain deeper clarity of what is causing disharmony and take actionable steps to restore balance and autonomy.

  • Overthinking

    Do you tend to overthink and procrastinate? While rationality is valuable, it doesn't always solve every challenge. Let's explore beyond just thinking to reconnect with your with your intuitive wisdom and innate intelligence, unlocking greater clarity and direction.

  • Holistic Balance

    Overwhelmed with the demands of your busy life? It's easy to lose sight of what's truly important with the constant noise that distracts us. Let's discover what are most important to you right now and aligned to create inner harmony.

  • Rediscovering flow

    Lost touch with hobbies and interests that spark joy and creativity? Let's go on a journey to unearth what brings you moments of feeling alive where time, space and ego disappear into what you love the most.

  • Perfectionism

    Struggling with the constant pressure of being perfect and avoiding mistakes? The pursuit of perfection can easily overshadow what truly matters, leaving you feeling exhausted, unfulfilled and burnt out. Let's discover the driving force behind the need to be perfect and start to relieve this high expectation.

The Coaching Journey

If you are interested in working with me, the first step is to book in a free 45 minute Clarity Call.
This will help me to explore in more depth what areas you need support in and to see if we are the right fit for working with each other.  It is also an opportunity to discuss what session arrangements would be most suitable for your needs and answer any questions.
Before the call, I encourage completing My Questionnaire so we have more clarity on what areas I can support you in.

If we're both happy to begin working together, we decide a payment plan and begin sessions via Zoom. 
I offer flexible booking between sessions in the event we need to reschedule, since life can be unpredictable at times. 
A session lasts an hour where I listen intently and work with questions, observations, activities and experiments.  At times we may begin sessions with 'grounding in' which includes breathing and mindfulness exercises. 
Sessions are typically followed up with assignments based on the session to help integration and self exploration. 
Between sessions, I will be available to support you through e-mail and WhatsApp for general enquiries.

If you’re paralysed by fear, it’s a good sign.
It shows you know what you have to do.

Stephen pressfield

Your Investment

Check out my packages below to see what suits your needs.

If finances are tight, please let me know and we can discuss options.

I aim to create win-win situations to find the intersection between value and affordability.

6x Sessions

This package is ideal if you're ready for a journey of self discovery with a loose goal in mind, some idea of what might be holding you back and what your ideal outcome might be.

We can focus on one or multiple areas designed to aid self discovery, healing and expanding your full potential.

This includes:

  • 6x 60 min 1-on-1 coaching
  • Flexible online booking
  • WhatsApp & e-mail support
  • Follow up assignments

Interested in working with me? 

The next step would be to book a free Clarity Call.

  This is an opportunity for us to see if we're the right fit for fulfilling your potential.